
Top 25 Tips To Change Your Life

Stuck in a rut? If you feel it's time to make a fresh start then take a look at our top 25 tips to help you change things for the better and get more out of life. 1 Travel The World If it's possible, then you should make sure you fit some travelling in. Okay, so you might not have the time or the funds to go on a round-the-world trip, but it certainly is a truism that ‘travel broadens the mind’. If you can’t manage that backpacking trip around the globe, then consider going to some far away location where the experience will be totally different — perhaps even life-changing — rather than settling for the usual two weeks in the same destination. 2 Change Your Job If your job is getting you down, then change it. The only thing preventing you finding something that you’ll enjoy more is you. If only people could put as much energy into finding a new job as they do into moaning about it, then they could make a major change to their lives. Your workplace is where you spend a

Lifestyle tips for cancer prevention

wellcome It goes out without saying that cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases. It is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and is closely correlated with lifestyle factors like tobacco consumption, harmful alcohol use, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet and obesity. Instead of just waiting and living with the fear of getting cancer, you can do a lot to protect yourself from this disease. Screening tests can help detect cancer in the earliest stages. Some cancer risk factors like genetics and environment are out of our control but lifetime risk of cancer could be prevented through changes in lifestyle. Avoiding cigarettes, limiting consumption of alcohol, reaching a healthy weight and exercising regularly are all great steps for preventing cancer. If there is a history of cancer in the family, making small changes to diet and behaviours now can make a big difference to your long-term health. Here are some general lifestyle tips to help reduce your cancer risk. TIP #1:


Aug 31 2020 10 tips on adopting a healthier lifestyle -greens and reading Not feeling great? You’re not alone. Everyone has their own set of excuses about why they don’t exercise. “I’m too tired…I feel okay, I don’t need to exercise…I don’t have time to work out.” The list is just as long when it comes to healthier eating. “Eating healthy costs too much…the junk food is for my kids…being heavy runs in my family.” These excuses and more merely set you up for failure. And when you make excuses, you let those situations win. It’s your life to live. Take control. Why not reinvest that time that you spend making up excuses? You’ll feel better and more confident with your newfound attitude. When you accept responsibility for your life and stop complaining about your current situation or what happened in the past, you refocus on where you want to be today and how you see yourself in the future. Here are ten ways to better health. 1. Increase Exercise. Don’t lie down if you can sit. Don’t

Health and Wellness Tips for College Students

101 Health and Wellness Tips for College Students Between exams, papers and maintaining an active social life, many college students feel they can't really find the time to keep up on their personal health and wellness until an illness catches hold and stops them in their tracks. With most colleges providing health care and endless physical activities for students, staying healthy in college is about as easy as it will ever get. Here are a few tips to help students make the most of the resources at their fingertips and to ensure they stay healthy and illness free throughout their education. Diet Without careful attention to your diet, you could end up putting on the freshman 15 and more. Follow these tips to help keep your diet healthy and beneficial. Learn proper portion size. To avoid eating too much of even the healthiest foods, keep track of how much you're eating. For most people, meat servings should be about the size of a deck of cards and other servings vary by

5 Ways to Make Lifestyle Changes Stick

There’s no question about it, ditching bad habits and adopting good ones can be challenging. The key is setting yourself up for success. Read on for tried-and-true strategies for lasting change. 1 / 5woman eating healthy fruit 1. Find your motivation We all have goals, whether it’s exercising more or improving our diet. The important thing is figuring out why we want these things. “It takes a little bit of soul-searching,” says Robin Anderson, a registered dietitian at Revive Wellness Inc. in Edmonton. “I get people to look at the bigger picture: If you were to change your lifestyle, what would it look like? What’s important to you? Change is hard. There’s got to be something in it for people, otherwise we just get busy and we don’t do it.” It’s also critical to find your own reasons for change, not your spouse’s or your doctor’s. “If you’re doing it because you should, not because you want to, the chances of success aren’t that great,” says Anderson. 2 / 5woman doing yoga in bed PH

Maintain Your Healthy Lifestyle With These 7 Tips

Whether you’ve already reached your target weight or you’re eagerly anticipating the moment that you do, understanding how to maintain a healthy status is essential. From staying on top of maintenance calories to knowing how to handle setbacks, use these seven tips to maintain your healthy lifestyle. 1. Maintain Healthy Habits Every Day DID YOU KNOW...? Staying hydrated can help with weight maintenance. When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, one of the most important things you can do is simply striving for consistency. No matter how busy life gets or how much your schedule changes on a daily basis, try to eat the same balance of whole foods, consume a similar number of calories, and work in a consistent amount of physical activity. You might be tempted to maintain your healthy habits during the week and give yourself a break on the weekend, but it’s important to keep things consistent every day of the week. By sticking to your healthy habits seven days a week, you’ll be

45 Tips to Live a Healthier Life

Fruits How healthy are you? Do you have a healthy diet? Do you exercise regularly? Do you drink at least eight glasses of water a day? Do you get enough sleep every day? Do you live a healthy lifestyle? Advertisement Our body is our temple and we need to take care of it. Do you know that over 70% of Americans are either obese or overweight?[1] That’s insane! Think of your body as your physical shell to take you through life. If you repeatedly abuse it, your shell will wear out quickly. Life is beautiful and you don’t want to bog yourself down with unnecessary health problems. Today, your vital organs may be working well, but they may not be tomorrow. Don’t take your health for granted. Take proper care of your body. Good health isn’t just about healthy eating and exercise — it’s also about having a positive attitude, a positive self-image, and a healthy lifestyle. In this article, I share 45 tips to live a healthier life. Bookmark this post and save the tips, because they will